
An overview of all the bounties.


Bounty Title: 

Integrate Story Protocol in your dApp (General Track)

Bounty Category

 Launch MVP on Testnet or Mainnet

Bounty Description (max 250 chars): 

Integrate with Story Protocol and add decentralized Intellectual Property tracking, Licensing and royalties for any content. Get automatic tracking of attribution, derivative work, licensing and royalty payments on Story Protocol’s IP Graph.

Prize Amount: $15K

Winner Breakdown:

  • $7,000 for top project, 

  • $4,000 for second, 

  • $2,000 for third, 

  • $1,000 for fourth

  • $1,000 for fifth

Story Protocol team reserves the right to reward less than the total number of awards or the award amount allocated for this track if submissions' quality doesn't meet the criteria.

What is required to complete this bounty?

  • Submissions must integrate with the Story Protocol smart contracts (whether core or periphery). At a bare minimum read on-chain state. Top prizes will prioritize submissions that extensively interact with Story Protocol through on-chain state writes and reads.

  • Although all projects that integrate will qualify, judging will be based on how thoughtful the integration is and how centric Intellectual Property and native Story Protocol functionality is to the project. For example, a dApp fully focused on IP will have a higher chance of winning compared to a dApp that randomly calls a function just to qualify for the bounty. Be creative!

  • We prefer usage that covers more functions in the protocol, from registration of IP to licensing.

What does success look like? What are possible features that we are looking for?

  • Ideally a submission has a clear use-case for Story Protocol and is thoughtfully integrated such that it makes sense from both a technical and use-case perspective. 

  • This bounty is not theme specific and therefore eligible for all ideas. For example (but not limited to): music licensing, photo library with built-in IP registration, LLM attribution and provenance, IP onboarding tools, IP marketplaces, short video remixing, collaborative platforms like GitHub for IP franchises, Webtoon/Wattpad with new monetization mechanism for creators, all the way to application contracts that interact with the protocol itself. We encourage novel ideas and usage of the protocol.

  • Keep in mind Story Protocol is introducing a completely new layer to both web3 and web2: the layer of intellectual property, attribution and licensing – the opportunities are endless!

UI/UX Design Requirements

  • There are no explicit UI/UX design requirements, but judges will appreciate smooth UX flows that are focused around providing a magical user (and/or developer) experience. 

Judging Criteria

  • Functionality (either for users and/or developers)

  • Creativity / novelty  (is this a new use-case or experience?)

  • How focused the project is around Story Protocol (higher = better)

  • Adoption possibilities it unlocks

  • Technical implementation and degree of completion (i.e. functioning MVP)

Why is this bounty important?

  • The protocol is still in beta, and we will be working closely with all participating hackathon teams beyond the BUIDLathon itself. This is an opportunity to build the first integrations / infrastructure / tooling / products on the decentralized IP layer of the internet and work closely with the core protocol team in helping us shape the future.

  • Story Protocol is more than a global IP repository, it is the foundation for the next era of human creativity - be part of the journey!

  • There is a very high chance for follow up funding/grants if the project is high quality and the team members are keen to continue the journey to mainnet, including (but not limited to) being a launch partner for our mainnet release, Entrepreneur in Residence positions, etc. 

Examples of use cases we are looking to solve:

  • Examples include (but are not limited to): 

  • Music Licensing

  • Photo library with built-in IP registration, 

  • Automatic LLM attribution and provenance, 

  • IP onboarding tools, 

  • IP marketplaces,

  • Collaboration platforms like GitHub for IP franchises

  • Content consumption platforms like Wattpad/Webtoon with new monetization mechanism for creators

  • Short-video remixing with built-in IP registration, 

  • Application contracts that interact with the protocol and unlock new functionality

  • Tools to visualize the IP graph

  • Customized smart contracts that use the building blocks of the protocol

  • SocialFi with native IP integration, registration, and remixing


Bounty Title: 

Create DeFi Primitives for Intellectual Property (IPFi)

Bounty Category

 Launch MVP on Testnet or Mainnet

Bounty Description (max 250 chars): 

Leverage Story Protocol to build out DeFi primitives that enable liquidity of IP (IPFi). Anything goes: trading, collateralization, SocialFi, RWA’s, revenue sharing, the opportunities are untapped and ready to be explored.

Prize Amount: $15K

Winner Breakdown:

  • $7,000 for top project, 

  • $4,000 for second, 

  • $2,000 for third, 

  • $1,000 for fourth

  • $1,000 for fifth

Story Protocol team reserves the right to reward less than the total number of awards or the award amount allocated for this track if submissions' quality doesn't meet the criteria.

What is required to complete this bounty?

  • Submissions must integrate with the Story Protocol smart contracts (whether core or periphery). On-chain writes are required and must involve some interactions with IP Assets (and IPAccounts).

  • Only DeFi related submissions qualify, and judging will be based on how thoughtful the integration is and how centric Intellectual Property and native Story Protocol functionality is to the project. 

What does success look like? What are possible features that we are looking for?

  • Ideally a submission has a clear use-case for increasing liquidity of intellectual property or new monetization models for creators. 

  • The project is built on Story Protocol and is thoughtfully integrated such that it makes sense from both a technical and use-case perspective. 

  • Keep in mind Story Protocol is introducing a completely new layer to both web3 and web2: the layer of intellectual property, attribution and licensing – the opportunities are endless!

UI/UX Design Requirements

  • There are no explicit UI/UX design requirements, but judges will appreciate smooth UX flows that are focused around providing a magical user (and/or developer) experience. 

  • For this track, more emphasis will be put on the DeFi functionality vs the “make up” such as the UI (but we all love a beautiful UI!)

Judging Criteria

  • Functionality

  • Creativity / novelty  (is this unlocking a new untapped use-case?)

  • How focused the project is around Story Protocol (higher = better)

  • DeFi possibilities it unlocks

  • Technical implementation and degree of completion (i.e. functioning MVP)

Why is this bounty important?

  • The protocol is still in beta, and we will be working closely with all participating hackathon teams beyond the BUIDLathon itself. This is an opportunity to build out the first integrations / infrastructure / tooling / products on the decentralized IP layer of the internet and work closely with the core protocol team in helping us shape the future.

  • Story Protocol is more than a global IP repository, it is the foundation for the next era of human creativity - be part of the journey!

  • There is a very high chance for follow up funding/grants if the project is high quality and the team members are keen to continue the journey to mainnet, including (but not limited to) being a launch partner for our mainnet release, Entrepreneur in Residence positions, etc. 

Examples of use cases we are looking to solve:

  • Derivative instruments based on intellectual property and royalties

  • Borrowing, lending, and fractionalization of IP

  • Integrating IP of RWAs

  • Novel on-chain financial primitives around IPs

  • Integration with other DeFi, NFTfi projects

  • Innovative trading mechanics that are specific to IP

  • New membership models based on bonding curve/FT style

  • New Kickstarter/ICO type of capital formation with royalty participation or other benefits


Bounty Title: 

Build plugins for mainstream apps to help register IP on Story Protocol

Bounty Category

 Launch MVP on Testnet or Mainnet

Bounty Description (max 250 chars): 

Build plugins for creator centric Web2 or Web3 apps to make it easy for creators to register their content (video, photo, prose, etc) as Intellectual Property on-chain. E.g. Wordpress plugins, Unity plugins or even Metamask Snaps to register IP.

Prize Amount: $10K

Winner Breakdown:

  • $3,500 for top project, 

  • $2,500 for second, 

  • $2,000 for third, 

  • $1,000 for fourth

  • $1,000 for fifth

Story Protocol team reserves the right to reward less than the total number of awards or the award amount allocated for this track if submissions' quality doesn't meet the criteria.

What is required to complete this bounty?

  • Submissions must integrate with the Story Protocol smart contracts (whether core or periphery) or via the official SDK.

  • The submission facilitates registration on Intellectual Property on 3rd party apps (e.g. via a plugin, an integration, a browser extension, etc).

  • Judging will be based on how thoughtful the integration is and how centric Intellectual Property and native Story Protocol functionality is to the project. 

What does success look like? What are possible features that we are looking for?

  • Ideally a submission has a clear use-case for simplifying and helping register intellectual property on Story Protocol on existing tools/apps/services. For example, a custom GPT, a browser extension, or a plugin for popular sites such as WordPress. Use of AI and other state of the art technologies are encouraged!

  • The project is built on Story Protocol and is thoughtfully integrated such that it makes sense from both a technical and use-case perspective. 

  • Keep in mind Story Protocol is introducing a completely new layer to both web3 and web2: the layer of intellectual property, attribution and licensing – the opportunities are endless!

UI/UX Design Requirements

  • There are no explicit UI/UX design requirements, but judges will appreciate smooth UX flows that are focused around providing a magical user (and/or developer) experience. 

  • For this bounty, more emphasis will be put on how well integrated and functional the project is with any form of creator tool (although bonus points will be given to projects targeting popular tools, the more potential audience) vs the “make up” such as the UI (but we all love a beautiful UI!)

Judging Criteria

  • Functionality

  • Creativity / novelty  (is this unlocking a new untapped use-case?)

  • How focused the project is around Story Protocol (higher = better)

  • Potential target audience (higher = better)

  • Technical implementation and degree of completion (i.e. functioning MVP)

Why is this bounty important?

  • The protocol is still in beta, and we will be working closely with all participating hackathon teams beyond the BUIDLathon itself. This is an opportunity to build out the first integrations / infrastructure / tooling / products on the decentralized IP layer of the internet and work closely with the core protocol team in helping us shape the future.

  • Story Protocol is more than a global IP repository, it is the foundation for the next era of human creativity - be part of the journey!

  • There is a very high chance for follow up funding/grants if the project is high quality and the team members are keen to continue the journey to mainnet, including (but not limited to) being a launch partner for our mainnet release, Entrepreneur in Residence positions, etc. 

Examples of use cases we are looking to solve:

  • Chrome extension that simplifies registering a YouTube video as an IP asset

  • No-code tool to upload and create IP assets on Story Protocol.

  • A WordPress plugin that auto-registers a new post as IP.

  • A custom GPT that helps creators register assets on-chain.

  • Tools to register every post as IP Asset automatically.

  • Discord plugin to auto register your prompt of Midjourney as IP Asset

  • Tools to register Instagram, Tiktok posts on Story Protocol.

  • Plugin that allows gated payment for content (articles, images) with license term of usage that can be embedded easily into any HTML page


Bounty Title: 

Create Infrastructure and Tooling for Story Protocol

Bounty Category

 Meaningful Open Source Contribution

Bounty Description (max 250 chars): 

Build tooling and infrastructure for developers integrating with Story Protocol. This can include hooks and modules like KYC, Oracle integration, and providers like LayerZero, Wormhole, ZKGraph, etc.

Prize Amount: $8K

Winner Breakdown:

  • $2,500 for top project, 

  • $2,000 for second, 

  • $1,500 for third, 

  • $1,000 for fourth

  • $1,000 for fifth

Story Protocol team reserves the right to reward less than the total number of awards or the award amount allocated for this track if submissions' quality doesn't meet the criteria.

What is required to complete this bounty?

  • Submissions must integrate with Story Protocol smart contracts (whether core or periphery). 

  • The project significantly enhances the developer experience of builders building or integrating with Story Protocol, helps visualize on-chain state and/or facilitates integration in some way.

  • Judging will be based on how thoughtful the integration is and how centric Intellectual Property and native Story Protocol functionality is to the project. 

What does success look like? What are possible features that we are looking for?

  • Ideally a submission has a clear use-case for simplifying and helping developers build on / use Story Protocol.

  • The project is built on Story Protocol and is thoughtfully integrated such that it makes sense from both a technical and use-case perspective. 

  • Keep in mind Story Protocol is introducing a completely new layer to both web3 and web2: the layer of intellectual property, attribution and licensing – the opportunities are endless!

UI/UX Design Requirements

  • There are no explicit UI/UX design requirements, but judges will appreciate smooth Developer Experience (DX) flows that are focused around providing a magical developer experience.

  • For this bounty, more emphasis will be put on how well integrated and functional the project is.

Judging Criteria

  • Functionality

  • How focused the tooling is around Story Protocol (higher = better)

  • Degree of utility for developers

  • Technical implementation and degree of completion (i.e. functioning MVP)

Why is this bounty important?

  • The protocol is still in beta, and we will be working closely with all participating hackathon teams beyond the BUIDLathon itself. This is an opportunity to build out the first integrations / infrastructure / tooling / products on the decentralized IP layer of the internet and work closely with the core protocol team in helping us shape the future.

  • Story Protocol is more than a global IP repository, it is the foundation for the next era of human creativity - be part of the journey!

  • There is a very high chance for follow up funding/grants if the project is high quality and the team members are keen to continue the journey to mainnet, including (but not limited to) being a launch partner for our mainnet release, Entrepreneur in Residence positions, etc. 

Examples of use cases we are looking to solve:

  • A command line for quickly scaffolding a Story Protocol application

  • Enhancements to our existing Story Protocol explorer, or a separate visualizer (if it makes sense)

  • Higher-order contracts (e.g. use-case specific or periphery core contracts) that can simplify developer integration with Story Protocol or unlock new use-cases.

  • Auto registration of any new NFT collection to Story Protocol

  • Batch registration of NFT collections as IP Assets

  • Tools or smart contracts to integrate with other minting tools, allowing for one-step NFT minting and IP registration with Story Protocol


Bounty Title: 

Best meme registered on Story Protocol

Bounty Category

 Meaningful Open Source Contribution

Bounty Description (max 250 chars): 

No code? No problem! Story Protocol <3 Memes. We’re giving $1000 to the 2 best memes (or creative work) registered on Story Protocol that get the most attention.

Prize Amount: $2K

Winner Breakdown:

  • $1,000 for best / most viral and extensible meme registered on IP, 

  • $1,000 for second best / most viral and extensible meme registered on IP, 

Story Protocol team reserves the right to reward less than the total number of awards or the award amount allocated for this track if submissions' quality doesn't meet the criteria.

What is required to complete this bounty?

  • A funny meme. Yeah - we’re serious!

  • Register it on Story Protocol and share it on social media… Proof of Meme!

What does success look like? What are possible features that we are looking for?

  • The meme is registered on Story Protocol as an IP

  • The meme gets some form of virality or attention on social media

  • Ideally, the meme is about IP in some way and brings attention to Story Protocol.

  • Ideally, the meme attracts others to create derivative memes, creating a limitless meme-chain that will break the internet.

UI/UX Design Requirements

  • There are no explicit UI/UX design requirements - it should be funny.

Judging Criteria

  • How focused the meme is on Story Protocol

  • Degree of utility, profitability, and sustainability

  • Just kidding, it’s just a meme.

Why is this bounty important?

  • The protocol is still in beta, and we will be working closely with all participating hackathon teams beyond the BUIDLathon itself. This is an opportunity to build out the first integrations / infrastructure / tooling / products on the decentralized IP layer of the internet and work closely with the core protocol team in helping us shape the future.

  • Story Protocol is more than a global IP repository, it is the foundation for the next era of human creativity - be part of the journey!

Examples of use cases we are looking to solve:

  • Showcase intellectual property through entertainment and meme culture.