
Library to store data without repetition, assigning an id to it if new or reusing existing one if already stored


function addIdOrGetExisting(bytes data, mapping(bytes32 => uint256) _hashToIds, uint256 existingIds) internal returns (uint256 id, bool isNew)

Stores data without repetition, assigning an id to it if new or reusing existing one if already stored


databytesraw bytes, abi.encode() a value to be hashed
_hashToIdsmapping(bytes32 => uint256)storage ref to the mapping of hash -> data id
existingIdsuint256amount of distinct data stored.

Return Values

iduint256new sequential id if new data, reused id if not new
isNewboolTrue if a new id was generated, signaling the value was stored in _hashToIds. False if id is reused and data was not stored