EthDenver BUIDLathon

Overview of how to get started for the hackathon.

Bounty Overview

See all bounty information here or on Devfolio.

High Level Breakdown:

General track: Integrate Story Protocol in your dApp ($15K across 5 winners): Integrate with Story Protocol and add decentralized Intellectual Property tracking, Licensing and royalties for any content. Get automatic tracking of attribution, derivative work, licensing and royalty payments on Story Protocol’s IP Graph.

DeFi track: Create DeFi Primitives for Intellectual Property (IPFi) ($15K) : Leverage Story Protocol to build out DeFi primitives that enable liquidity of IP (IPFi). Anything goes: trading, collateralization, SocialFi, RWA’s, revenue sharing, the opportunities are untapped and ready to be explored.

Creator tools track: Build plugins for mainstream apps to help register IP on Story Protocol ($10K) : Build plugins for creator centric Web2 or Web3 apps to make it easy for creators to register their content (video, photo, prose, etc) as IP on-chain. E.g. Wordpress plugins, Unity plugins or even Metamask Snaps to register IP.

Tooling & Infra track: Create Infrastructure and Tooling for Story Protocol ($8K) : Build tooling and infrastructure for developers integrating with Story Protocol. This can include hooks and modules like KYC, Oracle integration, and providers like LayerZero, Wormhole, ZKGraph, etc.

Memes: Best meme or creative work registered on Story Protocol ($2K) : No code? No problem! Story Protocol<3s Memes. We’re giving $1000 to the 2 best memes or creative work registered on Story Protocol that get the most attention.


The best way to get started is to go through the tutorials. We prepared two tutorial tracks that will help you grasp Story Protocol concepts as fast as possible and get you building right away.

  1. If you are a dApp builder who wants to read/write from Story Protocol in your web app, start with: Get started with the SDK. We have both a TypeScript and React SDK available.
    1. We also have a reference example Make NFT Story
  2. If you are a Smart Contract developer who wants to integrate directly with the protocol, and create frontend contracts, start with: Get started with the Smart Contracts
  3. If you mainly want to query data from the protocol, use the API, see Getting Started, or jump right in and make your first call, e.g. Get an IPAsset
  4. To help you in your development, visit the Story Protocol Explorer to view your transactions on the protocol.


Mint Test NFTs

You can mint test NFTs to register as IP Assets on

 Beyond the Hackathon

Builder Program

Story Protocol’s Builder Program supports, mentors, and nurtures current and upcoming projects built on Story Protocol. We will provide technical expertise, marketing know-how, potential grants, and investor networks introductions matching the level of ambition and execution capability of each project. If you're a visionary builder already working on or planning to build a project on top of Story Protocol, we want to talk to you.

Learn more about the Builder Program